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No More Prayer –Be Owner of will-power!

No more prayer –be owner of will-power!


From now on we shall not depend on prayer; we will be owner of strong will-power! Let it be promise of the day.

Prayer produces from deficient– helpless –weak and ignorant mind. The mind which has no knowledge about its own reality, which doesn’t know about god in its own reality, -prayer is its only capital!

The power which is produces from faith– belief and prayer undoubtedly is mind-power, but it is not will-power exactly.

An effective will-power produces from direct strong will, from conscious and sub-conscious mind. A weak desire or wish is not able to produce such an effective mind-power.

The power which is produces from blind-faith, –from sub-conscious mind, may be harmful in some cases due to lack of consciousness and true knowledge.

A prayerer who has blind faith, doesn’t know that actually what s/he need to want, –what is possible to get, what should to do and what is good for that prayerer. Many times, prayerer doesn’t know to whom s/he is praying and how much ability that would be donor possesses.

We need such a conscious mind which has knowledge about itself and God.

I am not saying that prayer has no power, if strength of prayer is 1 point whereas the strength of one’s will-power may be 10 to 80 point, and more.

Then, I hope, I am able to make you understand that which is much effective?

Now the question is how we attain such a strong mind, and how we get such a conscious and knowledgeable mind?

For that, we need to be enough developed by the help of true self-development education with reasonable spirituality. That is ‘MahaManan, or ‘MahaDharma’ (go to Google search).

After true development, one is able to know the source of power which is beyond the range of the normal senses, and is able to be authority of will-power. A true developed mind is not dependent upon prayer. It knows, God has no role in its creature’s play. All are predestined like a cinema!

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