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A Worldwide Human Development Program


We would like to introduce you about our great endeavor– for true Human Development, through an excellent –incomparable system of essential education for true & universal self-development –world -wide.

We think development of humankind or a nation is possible only through the development of individuals, also we think, customary or formal academic (school – college etc.) education is not sufficient for true development of human beings. For that, we need such an uncustomary (non-formal) basic human development education which can help us to be fully developed human beings.

True & universal self-development isn’t possible without universal soundness. For that, the ‘Universal Treatment’ is an important part of the universal self-development ( )

To make a better world –to make our life blessed –to fulfill oneself, to remove the inhuman activities from our society, we have an excellent – incomparable system of essential education for true & universal development.

We are desirous to establish the way of universal development of human beings –worldwide, and also we are desirous to establish a true and universal Human Development education center of international standard.

We need like-minded persons to form an organization for true Human Development. If you are interested in this program, please extend your helping hands to make it successful.

This Maha-Way of universal development by name –‘MahaDharma’ has been introduced at the beginning of this century in India. It has a scripture and doctrine, too. But this doctrine (MahaVad) says, it is not necessary to follow me in every part, –being a follower of ‘MahaDharma’ one need to follow the main principle– that is–, “You have been born as a human being, your aim is to be a fully developed human being. Try to keep yourself always wakeful –conscious, to know oneself and this worldly system with your aim of life, and be effortful to make yourself true and universal developed human being.”

The great sage MahaManas says, Development of humankind or a nation is possible only through the development of individuals. For that, true and universal self-development is the main program of ‘MahaDharma’. MahaManas also says, an individual by oneself will be able to decide that which is proper to be done and which is to be practiced, –after knowing rightly oneself. Therefore 'MahaDharma' does not load any code of conduct or any rules and rites. It helps us to be developed rightly, –by that one can be able to know oneself and God in its own reality. When some conscious persons will be enough developed in different places by the help of ‘MahaDharma’ (Maha-self-development program), then those who are connected with them, also will be eager to be developed. In this way, so many human beings can be developed gradually.

‘MahaDharma’ is not like any current religion or any ‘Dharmic’ system. The differences here are more pronounced than the similarities with them. It is more than a religion; it is 'Manav Dharma'. Worship of God is not object of this system. The main object of ‘MahaDharma’ is to make us fully developed human beings. Development of mind and also blooming of consciousness is the fundamental tune of ‘MahaDharma’ –and that is the natural quality of human beings. The great universe existence is the God –from the view-point of 'MahaDharma' (for details visit our websites).

‘MahaDharama’ is the eternal truth which has revealed newly from the abyss of oblivion, or which was hiding for our ignorance so long. We –self-oblivious men, forgetting our aim of life, are living in an ecstatic state. By practicing which Yoga (Maha Atma-Vikas-Yoga) with great devotion, one can become a fully developed human being, is ‘MahaDharma’.

We need such a way or system by which true and universal development of human beings is possible. ‘MahaManan’ –self-development education (practical and theoretical) syllabus is just like that way of true human development. It is simple –natural and very effective system of fundamental education for universal human development. ‘MahaManan’ is the practical aspect of ‘MahaDharma’. To learn about ‘MahaManan’, please visit–

Google Search> MahaManan / MahaDharma

Now, common human beings are not ready to accept this way of human development easily, because they are unable to think and to advance to an unfamiliar –unpracticed way.

Society –politics –religion conducted by some self-seeking conspiring men are firmly resolved to keep the human beings in dark of ignorance. Never, they want true human development. Human beings are helpless. They are unable to free themselves from the grip of strong evil-power.

Society –politics –trade-system are becoming successful in their purpose, making religion a big weapon, to a great extent.

Therefore, to make the human development successful, we need to brave the evil-power strongly with the new religion– ‘MahaDharma’. To bring a new movement or high tide of human development, the religion – ‘MahaDharma’ is extremely necessary religion in this time.


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